c | a m g i r l s h i d e |
h o m e | g i r l s | p h o t o s | v i d e o s | f o r u m | c o n t e s t |
1. Download and install windows media encoder
2. Select "Capture audio or video"
3. Pull down the video menu to select your webcam and optionally select your sound card if you want audio.
4. Select the location of the file to create
5. I prefer to make larger files at first and then compress them later if requried. Select "File Archive" for the highest quality video.
6. Medium quality video and FM quality audio is a good tradeoff between file size and quality. You cna play with these settings to best match your camera.
7. Fill in some info about your video clip. This info will be stored in the clip header and scroll on the bottom of media player during playback.
8. Click Finish to start recording.